On one hand, I want to write to you all and share the hilarity of the day and on the other I have a desire to tell you about the components that made today one of those that forever changes someone. So, here goes…bear with me.
Our day started at 6:30, which was quite early for me considering that I was up until 3 a.m. blogging. However, I had a fresh spirit as we boarded the USS Almagor (or IS Almagor, more appropriately) for our morning cruise from Tiberius to the Jesus Boat museum off an island.
We “sailed” the Sea of Galilee on a boat that was just like the one Jesus and the disciples may have been on, except it had a motor, a full-service crew, microphones, piped in gospel music, and RUTI!
Sistah Ruti was “on” this morning, corralling the crew into raising the US flag (which we weren’t sure was a fantastic idea, but nevertheless, it was neat) and playing the Star Spangled Banner. She gave us all sorts of great information about the Sea of Galilee, including the basics: It is 14 miles long, 8 miles wide, and 150 ft deep. It was wild to think that we were on the very waters that Jesus calmed so many years ago.
Of course, every meaningful experience is followed by a museum and gift shop and this was no exception. We went to the Jesus boat museum next where we were able to see the actual boat excavated by Shelly Waxman and his assistant Kurt in the 80’s that experts think Jesus and his disciples may have actually cruised/fished in. It was like a CSI lab …the boat was excavated over a 10-year period, including the treatment and preservation and set up with laser identifiers and alarms. Very Horatio. This boat, being over 2,000 years old, was in remarkable condition. Second only in highlights to the chach-key gift shop was that Ruti kicked out a handful of Japanese tourists, cameras in tow, because they weren’t apart of our group. Talk about solidarity!
We left the gift shop (I made some incredibly special purchases…get ready friends and family!) and journeyed on via bus to the site that is thought to be the Mount of Beatitudes, where Christ gave the Sermon on the Mount. The phrases “Blessed are/Blessed is” are mentioned in this sermon 9 times (8 times according to the Roman Catholics) and this place is certainly blessed! Several of us made the observation that there were tourists from every tribe and nation…this must be what heaven will be like! We had Russian Orthodox congregants singing “Blessed Assurance”, Catholics from somewhere in Latin America chanting “Hail Marys,” Nigerian Baptists doing praise and worship dances, and Penecostals from San Antonio smoking in the women’s room.
I noticed in the parking lot that this is also where tour buses go to die. There must have been 30 buses in the parking lot, including the one driven by our very own David who was eager to get us to the next gift shop/museum stop.
We learned from GBC’s own leader that early in the reign of Constantine, his mother traveled to every spot considered holy and built a church (and gift shop?). Curses to her! I have never been to so many tourist traps in one day in my entire life (unless you consider the times I worked at a camp in Branson, MO and went to Dollywood every time I had a day off!) and I am now convinced, though I love her dearly, that Ruti profits finely from bringing us to these places. You know its bad when the souvenir peddlers high five her and call her by her nickname, “Rootie Tootie Fresh & Fruity!”
We went from the Mt. of Beatitudes to the spot where Christ was thought to have fed the 5,000. Ruti showed us the exact location. It was amazing to think that more than 10,000 congregated in this valley. The natural acoustics this particular valley provides are the #1 reason it is thought to be the spot. That and Ruti says so!
We traveled to Capernaum, which was another gift shop along the way, but it had special significance to our group because it is the spot where Christ had the headquarters for his ministry. We visited St. Peter’s home (actually his mother-in-law’s home) and the ruins of the synagogue just steps from the home where Christ is thought to have walked.
No day with Ruti would be complete without a stop at a restaurant where she receives free meals. For us, however, soda water: $5, Hebrew Salad Bar: $9, Fried “Sea of Galilee” fish (complete with head, fins, and eyes): $19. Eating at Tiberias’ only "Oriental Lebanese Restaurant" that doubles as a Gas Station: PRICELESS! Lincee and I sat with a delightful couple from the Woodlands at lunch. They were passing the dessert and asked Lincee and I if we wanted any. "Do you like dates," they asked? Not realizing they were referring to the traditional Israeli fruit dessert, we both looked at each other and laughed, "Well, yes we like them...but it has been a really long time. I wouldn't know a date if it took me out on Friday night!"
Along the way, we learned of one of Israel’s mystery animals, the Coney. It supposedly looks like a rabbit with short ears, but none of us have seen one yet. I’m beginning to think that the Israeli Coney is in the same animal genus as the Navasota Snipe. When I questioned their existence, I received the “Leaf my co knees a-loahn!” response from her.
All kidding aside, the most incredible event of the day was the opportunity to be baptized at Yardenit, on the banks of the Jordan River, which I jumped at doing! This is where Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, marking the beginning of his public ministry. I was thrilled to don the white robe and be baptized by one of our group leaders.
We headed back to the hotel, had a debriefing with members of our group and I’m calling it a night relatively early! Again, while today was an incredible day, it was also very meaningful and I’m once again SO thankful for the opportunity to be here.
Shalom Ya’ll! OR Le Chaym! (pronounced “la-hi-um”) which means “GET EXCITED” tomorrow promises to be a day of tourist stores and Ruti-isms! Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
Members of our group sing along to the "Star Spangled Banner" aboard the Jesus Boat.

The actual Jesus boat, excavated over 10 years ago, and meticulously preserved.

The Oriental, Lebanese Gas Station Restaurant owned by Ruti & Sons! Think Stuckeys without the tooth-pick holders.