Before I can get there to do all the great things I've been planning -- Floating in the Dead Sea, eating falafel, visiting a kibbutz, etc. -- I've got to get there! And that means a long flight. The first leg of the trans-continental adventure, I'm seated next to the most darling 30-something newlywed couple from Arizona. They're anthropologists in Africa & celebrating their recent wedding with a trip to New Jersey to visit her parents (oy vey!).
They are planning on heading to Mexico for the honeymoon after the in-law visit, only the groom realizes halfway to Newark that his passport is still in Africa. I'm not sure if that put the kibbutz on the honeymoon plans, but I hope for their marriage's sake he figured something out!
While most would shudder at the thought of having a 3-hour layover in Newark (which is 2. 5 hours longer than anyone should have to be in NJ), I was quite excited! It meant that my cousin Josephine (of the fame of last summer) and her man PJ met me in baggage claim for a 30-minute visit and a piece of birthday cake. What fun!
After a few hours on the new flight, which left at around 11 p.m., with birthright travelers all around, I decided it was time for 3 Tylenol PMs and a glass of wine.
Nine hours later, I awoke to a message in Hebrew that was welcoming us to Tel Aviv! Jehovah Jireh...I have never slept on planes before. I think I've found the secret formula.
Tel there's a story. It is a little like a dirty New York City & super crowded. Our hotel was tourist class with pubic hairs on the bathroom ceiling and my roomie Lincee and I had but one question, "How did those get there?" Nevertheless, our group was geared up for sunset cocktails and we took a short walk down to the beach. All hair aside, the Mediterranean Ocean, regardless of where it is, is absolutely gorgeous! We saw our fair share of aged Tel-Avivian men in Speedos, but our oceanside walk was a fantastic way to start our journey in Israel.
After an authentic Israeli dinner, we crashed! And awoke at 3 a.m. (since it was only 7 p.m . Houston time!). And crashed again. Already a great trip and a fantastic group. I can't wait to keep ya'll posted. And, make sure to check out roomie's world famous blog: for the real scoop! Love to all and SHALOM FROM TEL AVIV!

The Sunset...

Our room...This is considered a "double room."

Israel's Baywatch...

BABY UPDATE: {SIDE NOTE: Our family is expecting the first baby. Wanda Evelyn's (Note: that's not her real name) due date was the 25th & like a typical Otto woman, she is tardy in her arrival. I'm heartbroken to miss my niece's debut... but I will meet her soon enough and have a hamesh hand to give!} So, today...on the first day my sis-in-law was going to be room at the hospital, no kid. Not an aunt YET!
CLIFF'S NOTES VERSION (for the short attention spans):
packing, congregating, flying, celebrating, flying, sleeping, poker playing, landing, sunset-cocktailing, de-hairing, crashing, waking, sleeping, waking, sleeping, waking (you get the picture).
Wow! I can't believe you are in the Holy Land. That is really awesome and brave of you. How do pubes get on the ceiling??
Ming...what are you doing, these days? I have no idea about how pubes got on the ceiling... I don't want to think about it! WHen are you coming to visit again? When can I come visit?
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